
The following selection of links is but a tip of an iceberg when it comes to the corpora (text collections) suitable for text analysis. The corpora listed below, however, are compiled by the members of CSG, and checked for compatibility with commonly known stylometric software.

Documentation of the package ‘stylo’

  • for (real) beginners: a crush introduction in the form of a slideshow
  • for (sort of) beginners: a concise HOWTO
  • for advanced users: a paper in R Journal
  • full documentation at CRAN

Blog posts on non-obvious functions of the package ‘stylo’:

Video introductions


A list of relevant publications by the CSG members can be found on this website, on the subpage ‘publications‘. However, a comprehensive Stylometry Bibliography, curated by Christof Schöch, is definitely a place to consult before starting any experiment in text analysis.

Learn with us

The members of the group regularly conduct invited workshops at various places of the world, including yearly course offerings at Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) in Victoria BC and The European Summer University in Digital Humanities (ESUDH) in Leipzig. Below we aim to list some upcoming events:

2024 major workshops

2023 major workshops

2022 major workshops

  • 2–12 Aug European Summer University in Digital Humanities in Leipzig, Germany. Taught by Maciej Eder and Jeremi K. Ochab.
  • 22–24 March COST Action Winter School in Belgrade. Taught (remotely) by Joanna Byszuk, Artjoms Šeļa and Maciej Eder.

2021 major workshops

2020 major workshops

2019 major workshops