Rozalia Słodczyk

Currently employed at the Methodological laboratory of the Institute of Polish Language (Polish Academy of Sciences) in Krakow. She graduated from the University of Warsaw (triple MA in Polish Studies, Art History and Italian Studies), and in 2018 she defended her PhD in literary studies with distinction. She is the author of the book Ekphrasis, Hypotyposis, Translation. Interferences of Literature and Painting in 20th Century Italian Prose and Polish Essayism (Krakow 2020). Her areas of interest include intertextual and intersemiotic relations between literary texts and between literature and other areas of artistic creation (painting, music, film), theory of art and literature, and the issue of translation. She has also been interested in the field of digital humanities for some time and in her postdoctoral research she would like to juxtapose the traditional methodology of close reading with corpus-based quantitative research in the vein of distant reading. The subject of her research is the topic of cross-domain genres, starting with the nocturne, along with the form of ekphrasis, analyzed in the field of mainly Polish and Italian literature, as well as English and German.
She is in addition a proofreader and occasional translator. She lectures students (formerly at the University of Warsaw and at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, currently at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) and was a teacher of Polish as a foreign language. She also writes reviews of books and exhibitions.