Stylometry with stylo

Maciej Eder, Joanna Byszuk, Jan Rybicki


This crash tutorial introduces basic functions of the package stylo, in order to help the users start their experiments in no time. Essentially this means that no theoretical background will be provided. Also, the discussion on the functionalities of the package stylo will be reduced as much as possible. For more details, please refer to the following resources:

Installing stylo

Some basic R functions, just in case

Main functions: stylo()


Main functions: classify()

Main functions: oppose()

Functions: rolling.classify()

Functions: imposters()

Preparing a corpus

Running stylo()

  1. activate the package
    • type library(stylo), hit ENTER
  2. navigate to your favourite folder:
    • geeks: setwd("the/path/to/my/favourite/folder")
    • RStudio users: find your directory in the Files panel, then use Menu > More > Set as Working Directory
    • Windows users: use Menu > File > Change directory
    • MaxOS users: use Menu > Misc > Change working directory
  3. launch the main function:
    • type stylo(), hit ENTER

stylo() parameters


stylo() parameters


stylo() parameters

stylo() parameters


stylo() parameters


stylo() parameters


Bootstrap Consensus Networks

Running Gephi: Import

Running Gephi: Labels

Running Gephi: Overview

Running Gephi: Overview Layout

Running Gephi: Overview Layout (cont.)

Running Gephi: Preview

Running Gephi: saving a network

Running oppose()

oppose() parameters

oppose() parameters

Most of the parameters for this somewhat underdeveloped function are not on GUI. You can switch them on as command line parameters

Running rolling.classify()

Running rolling.classify()

How to read the output? Look at this example for “Roman de la Rose”: title Sections attributed to Guillaume de Lorris are marked red, and to Jean de Meun - green. The thickness of the bottom stripe indicates certainty of classification and a vertical dashed line the commonly-accepted division.